Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Mystery of the Mary Celeste Essay Example

Mystery of the Mary Celeste Essay The waves of the Atlantic Ocean rise and fall viciously, raking against the boat’s bottom exterior as the howling wind surges the Dei Gratia ship forward. The Canadian ship sailed through the ocean storms that brought down havoc aboard. But true mayhem broke out on December 4, 1872 when the crew spotted a ship with tattered sails, carelessly gliding over the waters, six hundred miles off the coast of Portugal. With caution, the Dei Gratia prowled its way four hundred yards away from the drifting ship. For two long, gruesome hours, the crew observed the strange vessel, waiting to see if any type of life form would emerge from the deck. The captain sent four brave men on a rowboat to search the distraught vessel after no signal was displayed aboard. And for the next hour, the crew searched everywhere, top to bottom, only to find an empty ship. No captain, no first mate, no family, no crew. There was a foot of water in the gallery that drenched everything below deck, but it wasnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t enough water to endanger the ship or cause it to sink. Six months worth of food were spoiled and soggy from all the water. The beds in the quarters were unmade, unmaintained, and not fit for a captain. The whole ship was a plain mess. In their reports, the Dei Gratia said they found no lifeboat aboard and that the railing had been removed to discharge a small boat off. What happened to the people sailing on the ship? Where are they now? What would have caused them to abandon ship is such a disorganized way? There are so many questions surrounding this strange, abandoned ship. However, one things for certain, the mystery of The Mary Celeste has affected people and the society in many different ways since it was found by the Dei Gratia in the late 1800’s. With this in mind, the account of the Mary Celeste had an immense response within the society at the time. Yet, how do we know that this is the full story? Look at it rationally, the only people there to ve We will write a custom essay sample on Mystery of the Mary Celeste specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mystery of the Mary Celeste specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mystery of the Mary Celeste specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

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