Friday, February 21, 2020

Semantic change Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Semantic change - Case Study Example During the etymological period of the name â€Å"journey†, the meaning was attached to time or period. One of the meaning at the time was a long process in work. Secondly, the word journey could mean the days travel. The time frame of day was always attached. For that reason, it was always used to show a process. Thirdly, the name means traveling in modern time English without necessarily considering the period attached to it. The present time meaning of the name journey represent a narrowing semantic shift. The name journey during its etymological period had time frame attached to it but currently, in the modern time English, it has been narrowed down to travelling from one point to another regardless of the time frame. Additionally, the name has shifted semantically in meaning in a metaphorical fashion where it refers to a process in the modern time English. The journey as process can refer to change that occur in a period of time in somebody such as â€Å"character journey† ‘Queer’ originally meant strange or peculiar. In the year 1811 the name queer affairs was used with an intention of meaning strange as in the following context: Its devilish queer behavior about a man was going to be buried alive. However in the year 1935 semantic shift took place with the meaning evolving and was connected with sexuality to mean homosexuality. However, the strangeness of homosexuality made the semantic shift in meaning, but the word also retained its original meaning. The use now modifies the harshness of the name homosexuality. In modern time of years 2000, the meaning became core and as modifier amongst the homosexuals. The name is currently being used in the context of queer rights, queer bashing, and others that reduces the negativity that is seen in the name such as gay and homosexuals. The regular use of the name queer in the modern time English has been associated with the gay community. According to COHA, in

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Home3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Home3 - Assignment Example Family History: The mother to the client is found to have had the same lugs problems. She is found to have experienced difficulties in breathing accompanied with some pains in her chest. Nobody else in the family has had such problems in the past. Lifestyle and Health Practices: Three of the family members including the client have been addicts of cigarette. The father to the client has smoked cigarette for a period of twelve years while the mother has also smoked cigarette. The family is used to buying medicine locally from shops in their cure for the breathing difficulties. Their exposure to colds is seen as the main reason for their problem. Current Symptoms: The client has a feeling that some of his neck vessels are swollen. He experiences some difficulties in swallowing saliva. He does not experience heart attacks. At the middle of his chest, he claims to experience some deep pains while breathing. Past History: The client experienced heart attacks some years back. This seems to have recovered after undergoing some treatments which lead him to undergoing heart surgery. He has experienced much hypertension prior to his condition while the degree of his fever has gone down. Family History: Hypertension has been a common problem to the client family. His mother and grandmother are found to have experienced the same problem while the grandfather was diabetic. There are some recorded cases of elevated cholesterol associated with many of his family members. Lifestyle and Health Practices: There is much use of drugs and alcohol in the family of the client. The client himself is a cigarette addict while his father and brother are addicts of alcohol and cigarette. Much stress originating from the use of drugs is experienced by many of his family members. The client is used to sleeping on high density pillows. Current Symptoms: The client experiences high temperatures especially during the night. His skin color